Do you use a Menstrual Cup? Would you believe me if I told you I have not used a tampon in 6 months?
Well, it’s true, I have not used a tampon in 6 months and it’s not because I am pregnant. Would you like to know how? Also, get ready for a long post, there is a lot to fill you in on (pun intended).
Everything you need to know about using a menstrual cup!
I use a cup. Not a cup you drink out of, but a menstrual cup. There are so many reasons why I have made the switch, which I will share, but I also want to share with you information about using a menstrual cup and how you can make the switch as well.

Some of you might already know about this product and others might be like me and think what the heck is this chick talking about. I was clueless, never heard of such a thing! My sweet friend Callie shared with me that she used a cup. If you know me I was in shock, but then needed all the details.

So what did I do next? I went to Google and researched as much as I could. Then I got the real scoop from my friend – she shared all the details, including what it was like to go poop with it in.
A few weeks later I saw Candace Cameron talking about using a menstrual cup on IG stories. It was so funny hearing and watching her talk about her experience and answer so many questions about how to use a menstrual cup. Right then and there I said, “my next cycle I am doing this, I am going to use a menstrual cup”.
Thanks to Candace I learned about a website and Instagram account called Put A Cup In It. This site gives you everything you need to know from “what is a menstrual cup” to “will the TSA body scanner be able to see my menstrual cup”? You can also take this amazing quiz that helps you find the right cup for you and your body. I took the same quiz and I love the cup that was suggested.
Put A Cup In It (PACII) does a great job of explaining how to use a cup as well. I have gone deeper for more information and video/cup reviews, YouTube is a great place to get this extra information.

My Experience using the cup
Now I want to share my experience. That’s what you came here for right . . .
I have been tampon-free for six months. That is a huge success. I will not say it was easy, it takes time and commitment. Like anything else, you also have to learn how to use this product, and there will be some trial and error. YouTube is so helpful.
My first cycle with the menstrual cup
The cups came in the mail right before I knew I was going to start. I am extremely regular (not on the pill) and use the period tracker app. I watched a few videos and felt ready for when Flo came to town.
First attempt…I can not lie to you and tell you it was perfect, it looked like a crime scene in my bathroom, I think I attempted to insert the cup about 20 times before kind of ‘getting it’. It’s a lot of trial and error at first. But once you get it you know and you are secure for 10-12 hours and from leaking.
During that first cycle when I finally did get the cup inserted correctly, I didn’t trust the cup and would go to the bathroom often to check and make sure it was still in there and not leaking. Each day got easier to put it in and only having to change it 2x per day was helpful. By the end of that cycle, I knew it was something I was committed to keeping up.
Why I wanted to try the cup
I noticed a few changes: Each year I was getting older I could see a change in my periods. They were getting a little heavier, with stronger cramps and more blood clotting in my flow. Once I read that those things would possibly go away when using a menstrual cup that was enough for me to try. After the first cycle, my period was down to 3 days, my cramps were almost completely gone, and I had less blood clots. Those results were enough to keep me using the cup.
How long did it take to really figure it out?
It took me about 3-4 cycles to nail down how to insert the cup perfectly for my body, not have any leaks, and feel confident to go 10-12 hours without having to empty my cup. Don’t give up, keep educating yourself and watch videos to learn better methods of using the cup.

How much have I saved using the Cup?
I have saved over $300 already on period products. My cup cost me $32, I think you can see the value. I also think about the amount of waste there is with tampons and pads. I also feel a lot cleaner knowing that I am letting my period exit from my body the way it is intended and not absorbed by something that is bleached and not good for the inside of my body.
What have I learned from this experience?
My body is unique and I know my way around it better than ever. You have to be open to knowing the inside of your body to be able to use a cup. This scares many women. Don’t let it scare you. It has been so amazing learning how our bodies function each month. I also learned to empty the cup in the toilet first. I have cleaned up a spill or two from not paying attention, oops. It is messy when you first start, don’t let that deter you from trying. The more you get to know your body the less messy it gets.

Introducing the menstrual cup into my lifestyle has been a great experience. Even with the learning curve I stayed committed and didn’t give up. The benefits are real and I know my body thanks me each month for using a cup instead of tampons. I want to express this is my story. My experiences might be similar or different from yours and that is ok. Each one of us is made differently and there is not a one size fits all. But with patience and time, you will learn what works for your body and see the benefits as well.
I am not a doctor. These thought are my own. You should consult your doctor if you are interested in using a menstrual cup.
I will keep this blog post active by adding more information and experiences as I enter into new stages of life, hoping one day, motherhood. Please visit the websites and YouTube channels that have helped me navigate this new way of dealing with my period. I used to hate that time of the month but now it feels no different and I don’t mind them at all.
Favorite Menstrual Cup Websites and YouTube Channels :
Put A Cup In It | Menstrual Cup Reviews | Web MD | Loved this video |Lena cup review Its Just Kelly |
Just please be careful- I’ve seen patients get them stuck and when inserted even just slightly off, even as a provider they are very difficult to remove.
Аw, tһis was an extremely good post. Taking a feѡ minutes and actual effort to make a supеrb articlе… but what can I
say… I put things off a whole lot and don’t seem
to get nearly anything done.
My result is: Your ideal cup is a Fleurcup, Lena Sensitive or Large Si-Bell! Based on your answers you should consider using an average cup that is fairly average in length and firmness. You could also consider brands such as OrganiCup or Ruby.
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