How do you start your day? Are you a routine person or a where the day takes you person? Whatever kind of person you are taking time each day for a self check-in is essential to your daily success. I have been practicing this for years now and I can tell you my body, mind, and spirit thank me for it daily.
I start my day with a big glass of water and coffee. The water fills me up and the coffee wakes me up. I then make my bed and pick out my clothes for the day. Sometimes I prepare for the week on Sunday by picking out all my outfits for the week, my work days, cleaning my house and meal prep. Makes for a smooth transition to the week from weekend mode. Feeling prepared for the week with a clean house and organized week sets you up for success. These are things I do to get myself in the right state of mind.
Feeling anxious and overwhelmed can take over your mind very quickly if you let it. I try to avoid going down those roads by keeping on a routine. During times like these of quarantine and working from home its crucial to make sure you are following a daily schedule and checking in with mind, body, and spirit.
Another part of my day is gratitude journaling, reading scripture, and a daily devotional. These help my spirit stay at peace. During this time I think about what is important. Expressing gratitude for the things you have been blessed with in your life is another key element to keeping a healthy spirit. It can be 3 simple things that are a great reminder for your spirit.

Treat yourself to a workout. Just being honest I have never been someone who loves to workout. It just wasn’t my thing. Most of my feelings toward working were surrounded by fear and insecurities I had about my body. One year a go I made a commitment to working out 3 days a week. It was hard to get started but once I did it because part of my everyday life. The challenge for me will always be there but now the benefits of a healthy body are greater than the fear of my insecurities around working out.

Fun fact about myself I went to culinary school

5 Ways To Take Control with Self Check- ins
- Take a 5-15 minute walk : if you are starting to feel burnt out or need a break going outside on a walk to take in nature is a great way to clear the mind and reset.
- Drink Water : starting your day with a glass of water can give you energy and keep you full. I always try and drink half my body weight in water each day. Setting a goal like this is easy to achieve.
- Seeing Loved Ones : Spending time with loved ones when your mood needs a boost. During this time of quarantine setting up a zoom account or FaceTime with your loved ones is a great way to see the people you love and miss most.
- Practice Gratitude : taking a moment each day, I do this first thing in the morning, to lift your spirits by writing down 3 things you are grateful for.
- Get Creative : engaging in a creative outlet, hobby, or fun activity when you feel stressed can help get your mind off the stresses in life even if its just for 30 minutes a day. Right now you could put together a puzzle or start a creative instagram account and capture interesting pictures to share with others.