Beef Tacos fresh from Walmart+! Tacos are good any day of the week. At my house, it’s an easy meal that is fresh, flavorful and makes a few extra meals. My Walmart+ membership has brought so much more time to my life. Having groceries at home waiting for me is a highlight of my week and can be for you as well.

The best $98 I have spent was on my Walmart+ membership. It includes free same-day delivery, free shipping with no order minimum, and more!
Tacos are a love language at my home and this is how we make our tacos and use the ingredients for other meals and lunches.

Tacos Fresh from Walmart+
Beef Taco Recipe
Here is your fresh ingredient shopping list:
- Ground beef
- Fresh salsa
- Red peppers
- Red onion
- Cherry tomatoes
- Shredded lettuce
- Siete taco seasoning (whole 30)
- Flour tortillas
- Sour Cream
- Shredded Cheese
- Cheese dip
- Mexican rice
- Black beans
We make tacos the first night with all the fun toppings. Next day quesadillas for lunch, and a taco salad for dinner. Three different meals all the same ingredients.

How do you like to eat your tacos?

Thank you, Walmart, for sponsoring this blog post so others can be inspired to have Taco Tuesday be a regular dinner at their home.