Ran out of product, need to switch things up with your skin care routine, or just want to try something new, you have come to the right place. I am a lover of Beauty Counter. I have been using it for 6 months now and can see a huge difference in my skin and the way it feels and looks. Its not just my face where I can see the difference, but my entire body. I just love the body wash and charcoal bar, the cleansing balm is amazing and the list of my favorites is quickly growing.
Why Beauty Counter ?
Their mission is to get safer products into the hands of everyone. So I wanted in on this mission. I love feeling beautiful and I feel prettier knowing what I am putting on my skin, my hair, and my face each day. They put the truth back in beauty.
What makes Beauty Counter better?
Beauty counter is leading a new way of life by not putting any more toxins in or on your body. They want to make products safe for everyone to use and feel pretty while doing it. Did you know there are 80,000 chemicals being used in our everyday products and the manufacturers don’t have to tell us about it. Beauty Counter has The Never List, its a list of 1500 questionable or harmful chemicals that will never be used as an ingredient in their products.

- Charcoal Cleansing Bar absorbs impurities in your skin with out drying it out. I use this bar every night. Has worked wonders for my skin.
- Cleansing Balm is by far my favorite product ever. I could lather this all over my body its that good. Smells amazing, moisturizes skin, takes makeup off and cleanses your face. If I was to say get one product it would be this.
- Lip Treatment is a must have after this hard winter we had. When your not drinking enough water and your lips start to dry this will be your best friend.
- Day and Night Moisturizer makes my day complete. I can’t get ready or go to bed without having these on my face. My skin has thanked me by looking great since the day after I started using these moisturizers.
- Rosewater Mist is something that just makes me feel so good. I spray my face before bed and after my make up is on. It just adds a little extra love and brightens my face.
- Charcoal Mask is another favorite product. It makes your pores smaller and makes your skin feel like its baby skin again.
- Balancing Oil lightweight and the perfect way to start on an oil routine. I love this so much for how it evens out my skin tone. I even rub it into my nail cuticles after I apply it on my face. Another tip is to warm it on my hands first then pat it on to my face.
So that pretty much sums up my favorite beauty counter products. I have recently received the eye brow pencil and the mattifying powder and can’t go a day with out using them. I feel like my face is not complete without them.
Using beauty counter is a change and it can come all at once or you try a few things at a time. I know for me I have brought in new products as needed to the pocket book doesn’t hurt as bad. But when I do make the change it has been so good that I won’t ever go back.
I want to invite you to shop and be apart of the beauty counter family of users. If you have made it to the end of my post lucky for you there is something awesome to be read. I am offering a couple of Spa Gift Baskets with purchase for those who shop with me today.
If you spend $100 I will send you the new make up remover wipes $20 value.
If you spend over $150 I will send my my favorite charcoal cleansing bar, $25 value.
This deal ends on 4/30 at 11pm. Please give me 2 weeks to order, receive, and ship your gifts.
These gifts are from me to you with love. I want to celebrate you adding Beauty Counter to your beauty routine. So please just click the links and start shopping. I will know who spend what and ask if you spent over $100 or $150 to please email me at [email protected] or dm me on instagram @sell_eat_love with your information.
with LOVE from listening to a rain storm with Lady Clover Belle