Glad you are here and want to know more about Young Living. Starting your essential oil journey can be intimidating and exciting all at once! I want to be honest with you, it took me about six months to finally commit to this oily addition to my life. I am beyond happy I did. I have moved on from candles, clean with only thieves products, and learning new ways that essential oils can help better the way I feel day to day.
The Starter Kit is how I recommend everyone get started with Young Living. It’s by far the most bang for your buck, and it’s the gateway to a Young Living wholesale membership.
Starter Kit Options:

To get started and join our community, ORDER HERE and make sure number 23255044 appears in both the “Enroller” and “Sponsor ID” fields. From there you can sign up as a wholesale member and unlock a number of great benefits. Do not worry, this does not mean you are required to sell or purchase oils monthly. You are signing up to get a starter kit and therefore 24% off retail prices on every oil, forever (totally worth it! Think of it like a Costco membership).
If you love using what’s in your starter kit and want to get more of what Young Living has to offer, I recommend signing up for the Essential Rewards monthly auto-ship program. Once you explore all the products (from cleaning supplies, to makeup and more!) you will want to start placing those orders and begin your journey to removing toxins from your home at a one-stop-shop retailer!
I’m so beyond amazed at what it’s become for me, and am always looking to help women get started! Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you’re interested in learning more about this opportunity.

What You Might Be Wondering….
Why Young Living?
Essential oils are everywhere these days, from Amazon to Anthropologie and everywhere in between. Here’s the thing though, without oils being regulated by the FDA, manufacturers can put whatever they want on the label “100% pure”, “All Natural”, and it means squat. We use essential oils for far more than just a pleasant smell, we use them to support the functions of our bodies. Young Living is the only essential oil company that has a “Seed to Seal” standard. What is that? We own all of our farms, we have the most extensive testing performed on our oils so that you can rest assured that your family will be using the highest quality product without ANY dilution or chemical additives. This is really SO important because you are breathing in these oils and using them on your skin on a daily basis. For more information read here.
How do we use oils?
We use essential oils and YL products all day long. They have become such an integral part of our lives and let me tell you, it is SO empowering to have the tools to combat everyday aliments that come up as a family with our oils. We use them for immune support, sleep support, mood support, I clean our house with Thieves cleaning products, I use their laundry detergent (great for sensitive skin, smells great and NO CHEMICALS), bath gel and shampoo for the kids, makeup, skincare, the list goes on.
Young Living has so much more than just oils, you can use their personal and household care products for almost everything you could ever need. I’m SOOO happy I jumped in. My only regret is that I didn’t get them sooner. For more info you can checkout my blog!
Okay, I want the oils what do I do from here?
If you’d like to get started, it’s time to purchase your starter kit. To reiterate, you do not have to sell oils or purchase monthly oils as a member, it just means you are getting a starter kit for more than 50% off & will get 24% off retail prices on every oil, forever. Think of it like a Costco membership, you sign up for a year long membership to be able to shop there, YL is kind of the same but you obviously get so much more. To sign up, ORDER HERE and make sure the number 23255044 appears in both the “Enroller” and “Sponsor ID” fields and choose wholesale member.
How will I know what to do with my oils once I get them?
With your starter kit, you’ll get a welcome text, email and a sweet little snail mail package from Liz Joy from Pure Joy Home. You’ll have recipes to diffuse and make rollers with (I made mine the day I got my Premium Starter Kit), you’ll be invited to our private wellness group on Facebook where you’ll meet all the girls in our community, and as always you can follow along with me @sell_eat_love !
What should I get?
I recommend starting with the welcome home starter kit OR the premium starter kit (like I did). This will give you 12 of the most common oils and a diffuser. There is a standard diffuser model for free with purchase or you can upgrade to other options. I really like the Desert Mist (thats the one I got) and my favorite is the Aria (saving up for that one). The starter kit gives you over $300 worth of product for only $160!! I have used every item from the starter kit from the thieves hand sanitizer, the thieves cleaning spray, and of course the essential oils. From there you can always add more, but it’s the perfect way to jump in and start learning!
I want to get started, but I don’t want to sell…
That’s totally OK! We are still so excited to have you a part of our community. You can make the starter kit a one time purchase. But if you ever want to buy more products in the future, your wholesale membership will help you purchase them with a 24% discount. You also automatically get a personal referral link in case you ever decide you want to share and earn commission.
I think I’d like to sell oils with you…
Amazing! When you sign up, you’ll get an email from me that contains all the info you need to know. There are over 4,000 families that have joined Liz’s community, and we are all exploring this world together and sharing tips, tricks and strategies for growing your business. Plus, so many of these families have starting booming businesses sharing their passion for essential oils! We provide all the training and resources you need to get started if you’re looking to build an empire from your kitchen. And if not, that’s cool too! Check out this quick video that talks more about Liz’s journey with this business and what it can do for you!
Where can I get your amber glass bottles, diffuser recipes, etc?
Liz shares so many posts on her blog and over on her wellness page talking about her favorite ways to use the oils and her other favorite products from Young Living. Amber bottles are from Amazon and you can checkout my most used essential oils accessories below. I am working on adding more blog post about my own personal journey with oils for more information as well.
Please note that suggestions on this blog are specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with oils from other sources. Any and all statements made on this website about Young Living Essential oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. The information and products discussed on this site are not meant to prevent, treat, cure or diagnose any disease. If you are suffering from a disease or injury you should consult with your physician.