Halloween season is officially here. Bring on all the puns, orange, skulls and PSL. Looking for fun things to do, safely of course, for your friends and family, and even just for yourself this Halloween season?

I got you covered with 10 festive ways to celebrate Halloween. Many of these ideas are budget friendly and can be done solo or with a small group. Now lets start having a spooky season together. Let me know if you complete any of my top 10 favorite items.
- Wear a fun Halloween sweater : I love this pumpkin one from Target.

2. Have a pumpkin coffee drink : Check this one out. It’s Keto too!

3. Plan your halloween costume : You can go with a character from a movie or shop from your closet. Here are a few ideas.

- Wednesday Adams : black dress with white color
- Orange is the new Black : orange scrubs from Amazon
- Eleven : Pink dress sneakers and carry eggo waffles
- The Maid from Rocky Horror Picture Show : just need a maid costume
- Marry Poppins : Black shirt, white shirt, hat with red berry, and a umbrella
4. Watch a Halloween movie: 31 Days of Halloween has them playing non stop.

My favorites are :
- Hocus Pocus
- Beetlejuice
- HalloweenTown
- Adams Family
- Edward Scissor Hands
5. Make at home crock pot apple cider for your friends

Having a crock pot of apple cider going on a fall weekend or on halloween is perfect to make your house smell inviting, have a festive warm fall drink, or add a little booze for a spiked apple cider to get a party started.
6. Visit a local pumpkin patch

7. Decorate your house on a budget

8. Get your nails done with a Halloween Nail art

9. Go to a Halloween party :

10. Make sure you get your favorite candy to pass out to trick or treaters :