Sorry I have been out of commission for the past 2 weeks. I have been in NYC and then at the Americasmart for almost 10 days straight selling my beautiful lines. So you can see my trip to NYC and a sneak peak at the spring collection from NYDJ. I am so proud to represent this denim line in the Southeast.
Then came market in Atlanta. Man was I busy. I got to see tons of my accounts and get them ready for spring 2014 crazy, I know! You can check out my new line Bell by Alicia Bell, made in the USA. Also loved seeing my sweet Pauline and see got to spend her birthday with us too! Check out our looks from Lilla P.
Can you believe fall is already here. I got my Instyle fall issue today and I am so excited for all the fall looks. Next post I think I am going to give a sneak peak into holiday since fall is already here. I will soon be heading to NYC again to see spring 2014! So be looking for style tips to come for upcoming seasons. Until them . . .
Sell, Eat, Love,
Seriously so jealous of the job you have! Selling clothes and traveling=my dream! Glad to see you are doing well 🙂 Zeta love, Alyssa