Dress Julie Brown Designs c/o // Jacket BB Dakota old but similar here // Tights Spanx // Shoes old but love these // Sunglasses Anthropologie // Lipstick Sephora
“All I want for Christmas is . . . ” a beautiful holiday dress. Well I found the most perfect affordable dress that will make anyone sparkle with holiday spirit. This silver tweed dress from Julie Brown Designs is perfect to wear to any holiday event. It is also something that can stay in your closet for any party or event during the coming year. I know lots of girls have bachelorette parties to attend and and wedding that soon follow suit. There is nothing better than being able to bust out a dress from the holidays to wear to a second event in a different season, dress it up with different accessories and shoes make it a completely new look. So please remember when buying holiday looks think about how they can transition into another event and season. Why not save that extra money and buy who knows, another dress ha ha?

Love that quote. Also love the outfit so much, especially the shoes!
Cool ^^